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About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to prepare ALL students for success in high school and participation in a global society.

Our Vision

  1. Teacher teams collaborate interdependently to provide rigorous, effective instruction and demonstrate personal ownership of the success of all students.
  2. Students feel safe to take risks and are challenged to do their best, be resilient and leave Pioneer ready to enter high school with a reputation for Grit, Ownership, Leadership and Dignity.
  3. All learning opportunities, in and out of the classroom, have worth and value to our students, staff and community.
  4. Everyone in the building is committed to the success of every child.

Pioneer's History

Pioneer opened its doors to students in the fall of 1949 as the first junior high school in Walla Walla. 

In the fall of 1990 the philosophy and programs were revised and Pioneer opened its doors for the first time as a middle school. Throughout Pioneer’s history students, parents and staff have worked together to establish a tradition of excellence. Together, we have achieved excellence in academic achievement, athletic contests, student activities and community service. We look forward to the continuation of this tradition through the efforts of present and future members of the Pioneer community.
At Pioneer, we are a community of learners devoted to achieving excellence in academics, the arts, athletics, and as citizens of our school, community and nation. Students have numerous opportunities to explore new skills and ideas, to build confidence in themselves as learners and as people. We welcome new students and their families into our midst, looking forward to the unique contributions they will make.